First Responders Around The World

Hurricane Katrina, 911, the earthquake in Haiti, Chernobyl, the Indian Ocean tsunami...tragic events that are forever stamped into our memory. These are the mega disasters, both man-made and natural, that grab the headlines. Each of these events provided opportunities for the effective use of tactical public address to warn, evacuate, and manage rescue and relief in the aftermath.

Just as important, there are situations in almost every nation every single day that can be better managed from a law enforcement or emergency response standpoint with an effective public address system that people can actually hear and understand, either by air, by water or by land.

Civil unrest, inland flooding, industrial spills, train accidents, traffic accidents, wild fires, the riot at the soccer stadium, crowd control at large events, criminal pursuit...all of these present scenarios for the tactical use of Power Sonix public address systems.

Police units on the ground and in the air, Federal and State Emergency Management Agency personnel, National Guard units and helicopters,police boats and Coast Guard ships... to be that in your homeland or when units are deployed around the globe.

After nature or man has put events in motion, it will be the reaction of a few who make the difference between life and death for many. For the sake of everyone they serve, the tools at their disposal must be able to have the greatest possible impact. Power Sonix PA systems offer that impact.

When the power grid is down, when cell towers and phone lines aren't working, when infra-structure is damaged beyond repair, how will your emergency plan get specific instructions to a widely dispersed population at the right place and at the right time?

Some day you're going to need a broad area public address system that can reach as far and as wide as possible. When that day comes, make sure you have the peace of mind that you can't get with standard sirens, narrow beam hailers or portable megaphones. Make sure you have Power Sonix, on your aircraft, on your vehicles and on your ships.

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